Monday, July 27, 2009

something else

progess slowed. personalize srs cards.
read first full song title today. 夏夢 by Spontania feat. Sotte Bosse
夏夢 now. haha, i just wait till night then.
夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢
672... also the most prevy of all my cards. :D

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 27

Got to about 650 kanji.
Added about 60 yesterday to make up for camping.
Added zero today due to addiction to SWORDS OF THE STARS.
Must somehow squeeze in 25 kanji...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Time Table

A rough but accurate predict, I would finish "Remembering the Kanji" in about 3 month at my pace.
"Remembering the Kana" should take 3 days. And other 3 for hiragana. Then about 9 month of hard-core learning/mining?
Anyhow, SRS is gonna kill me on Monday. Camping for 3 days. >_>
Got a stack of 400 waiting for me.