Monday, August 31, 2009

A Infant's first step.

Starting to learn to walk while having school in the background. Took notes with kanji :D
13 yesterday. Trying to get more than 9 right now. Hopefully get to 14 :D

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sadness time.

69 days of summer. 750 kanji.
that about 10 per day.
school tomorrow. moment of silence ):

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Music (Love for)

Today, someone on facebook said they went The Maine's concert. I am jealous and relaize how much I miss U.S of A music. I must push on though. Too late to turn back now.
0 this week. I am slacking and it is killing me.

Monday, August 10, 2009

A Baby Step... But A Step None-the-less

+10 kanji... 10/100 yay!
I regret nothing. GReeeeN and 嵐 is awesome.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Time Table and Time Boxing

Influenced by Eva's blog ::
Haha, I been slacking off with Japanese so far. only 30 kanji added in about 1-2 weeks. Horrible.
I have a goal now. Get to 800 by week's end.
Goals: (I am gonna fail all of these I know)
100 kanji a week before school starts, 50 per school week.
Get straight A's for the first grading period (and continue for rest of the year, but hey, baby step firsts)
Work on a single kicks for about 5-10 minutes each; practice fighting/shadow-boxing/shadow-sparring for about 15-30 minutes a day.
Be comfortable drawing a full figure by december's end (and a girl's face by september)
Be happy (forever) :]
Get a girl

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Re:Dunno How To Start This

If there anything I learned in life, it this. Don't wait. Don't make excuses just do it.
I can't dance. I can't sing. I love singing too x]
Haha, but it because I fail, because I look forward, not backward, that I can move forward. Mistakes? haha, don't make me laugh. Mere learning experience. I know what not to do. The Americans lost most of the early Revolutionary War's battles, but they still won the war. They're looked foward. Not a single step backward comrade. Or I will shoot you myself.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My super power = something awesome/top secret ;D

haha, doesn't the King from the Planet of the Sadist look awesome? haha he my fav. character x]
anyway, sudden renewal of addiction to kanji? haha, to 800!
and so i don't forget:: =P
and i promote this blog [well not really]::
and [wow a 3rd and] umm Go 沖田総悟? haha.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Project Overbudget

Simply put,this project is gonna go over time. Why? 'Cause I got lazy and skip 4 days. Now I am paying for it with 200 cards [suspend everything and doing one day at a time]. Might have to redo about 200 cards 'cause they're no in-graven into my active memory. Stories for those 200-300 were made by other people. Might go on, but that would harm me.
NewETA: Late October, Early November.