Saturday, August 8, 2009

Time Table and Time Boxing

Influenced by Eva's blog ::
Haha, I been slacking off with Japanese so far. only 30 kanji added in about 1-2 weeks. Horrible.
I have a goal now. Get to 800 by week's end.
Goals: (I am gonna fail all of these I know)
100 kanji a week before school starts, 50 per school week.
Get straight A's for the first grading period (and continue for rest of the year, but hey, baby step firsts)
Work on a single kicks for about 5-10 minutes each; practice fighting/shadow-boxing/shadow-sparring for about 15-30 minutes a day.
Be comfortable drawing a full figure by december's end (and a girl's face by september)
Be happy (forever) :]
Get a girl

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