Saturday, June 13, 2009

Modern Warfare? Or Massarce Forever?

I went to Border yesterday, and saw a book that spark my brain with ideas.
So, you know, we all seen those movies with robots soldiers. Good like umm, haven't seen a good robot movie yet, or I just can't think of any. Or bad, like Terminator. It be cool to have these robot replace us in the battlefield. Soldiers that don't eat, sleep, get winded, feel fear or disobedience. The perfect soldier. War won't have such a toll on mankind anymore.
What a perfect world that be, robot fighting our wars. It seems good, till you get out of the day-dreaming stage; robotic warfare would be the next military revolution since tanks... no guns... no iron swords... it just un-equal in scope and destruction.
Robots, would make war easier to wage, so therefore there would be more wars. Moral ethics are thrown aside if not so done already.
Go check the enigneering section of border and look for a white book. Arm yourself with knowledge.
"Knowledge is power, guard it well."
And that my little gift to enpower you today. Maybe you find your super powers too someday. Till then, sleep well. And get me some sleep meds, I can't sleep for more then 2 hours anymore. Slept at midnight, woke at 4. Hadn't slept or even nap since then. I probably be dead if ya talk to me.
---five minutes after that umm, out burst---
Was playing Heart of Iron 2 again. Use mod 33 this time. Let recap for a while. In mod 34, I customize my army to my liking [inf based with a strong industy to keep pumping them out] and manage to take over China as Japan. Yes, I change history. In 1939, Japan control China and all her "warlords' lands". 1941, the majority of the pacfic islands is taken. 1942, Japan reach half though India. The Philpine and Austria are consasntly haress by Japanese fleets. Yup, I had the world in my hands. Then I got bored and delete that game.
Well, with mod 33, I can't customize my army and have to stick to the historical army [though with altertive events. Who would had thought the coup could overthrow the emperor?], I manage to take the province of Shanxi [or rather, the area under the warlord Yen Hsi-shan] by 1934. I rest and rebuild my army until 1937. Yes, 3 longs years of researching and trying to get my industry in line. Historically, I was in a depression. And my army should had already been to the historical line [*historical line, Viet's term for how far the Japanese gotten by 1945 in real life] if it wasn't for the horrible depression and all the assassination appemts on my ministers. I even had parts of Manchuria revolt against me. My own nation, revolting against the Emperor!
Yup, so that was probably all pretty boring to you unless you're a history buff or you played the game [please be the gamer one, this game is so awesome but I am the only person I know who have it =( ]
---breath, breath, tomorrow is paintball, must remenber to post something then---
So I am gonna randomly end it now. With song lyrics like how I use to alway do. Chill.

Oh my God

This town, it feels like a headache
And all the words inside my mouth won't come through.
I've got this pain in my head that I can't shake
When I remind myself I can't get to you.

And it rained all day
And I figured it out I'm not the person that I used to be
Washed away
Please someone make me okay
Because I'm feeling like I might...

Take today and make my way
Through the town, the streets, the pouring rain
'Cause some days,
It seems like the clouds won't stay away.
-Clouds by (the) Morning Light

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