Monday, June 8, 2009


Rather then being like Emo-drew, I thought I post some interesting things. Maybe I post depressing blogs posts later, but it ain't gonna seem right or like me. Right?
"If you could see yourself the way others see you, you would be amazed"
So onto my business today.
Every hero haves super powers, but what if he can't use them for any reason, what would he do? Well, I found my powers at a rather late age, giving me lots of times to perfect my conventional weapons skills. I taken apart a standard spring power pistol, and put it all back together. Hand drew the basic "under the table" parts. Hadn't fire any gunpowder weapons yet, but don't need to. A 600 fps rifle hurts just as much if used properly. Anyhow, me and some friends been firing electric- and gas- power airsoft guns.
Yeah, we're gonna go airsofting once I get the armor (I know a friend who would let me borrow his m4). And once [monotone] Andrew get his gun back from the shop. And maybe once my friend buys his G36. Then we have a squad of 4 [me,friend, friend2, andrew] to roam the field. I made an amazing inspiral war speech while playing a game on saturday. I forgot most of it but I type whatever I remenber here
[But Viet isn't your post long enough?]
[Haha that what she said]
(I must be real bored to talk to myself)
blah blah something interesting
This is where we sperparte the boys from the mens.
When those door opens, you will stare into hell.
The real mens will stare, but the beast, the real MARINES will run, headstrong, to hell.
soemthing soemthing word edited 'cause thoughts are easily lost and never caught
Remenber! Never count the days. Never counts the miles. Only count the number of devils you had killed.
-end end-
-random hole and gap and no link from top to this part-
Don't we all feel like this sometimes? Or is it just me and andy?

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