Monday, November 16, 2009

Random Sentences :D

今でもあなたを。 <3
愛してる。 <3

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Finish the push to 900 on sunday. Pushing to 915 today hopefully. Hiragana is a pain.

"In the end, both the king and the pawn are put away in the same box." -Italian Proverb.

Monday, August 31, 2009

A Infant's first step.

Starting to learn to walk while having school in the background. Took notes with kanji :D
13 yesterday. Trying to get more than 9 right now. Hopefully get to 14 :D

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sadness time.

69 days of summer. 750 kanji.
that about 10 per day.
school tomorrow. moment of silence ):

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Music (Love for)

Today, someone on facebook said they went The Maine's concert. I am jealous and relaize how much I miss U.S of A music. I must push on though. Too late to turn back now.
0 this week. I am slacking and it is killing me.

Monday, August 10, 2009

A Baby Step... But A Step None-the-less

+10 kanji... 10/100 yay!
I regret nothing. GReeeeN and 嵐 is awesome.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Time Table and Time Boxing

Influenced by Eva's blog ::
Haha, I been slacking off with Japanese so far. only 30 kanji added in about 1-2 weeks. Horrible.
I have a goal now. Get to 800 by week's end.
Goals: (I am gonna fail all of these I know)
100 kanji a week before school starts, 50 per school week.
Get straight A's for the first grading period (and continue for rest of the year, but hey, baby step firsts)
Work on a single kicks for about 5-10 minutes each; practice fighting/shadow-boxing/shadow-sparring for about 15-30 minutes a day.
Be comfortable drawing a full figure by december's end (and a girl's face by september)
Be happy (forever) :]
Get a girl

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Re:Dunno How To Start This

If there anything I learned in life, it this. Don't wait. Don't make excuses just do it.
I can't dance. I can't sing. I love singing too x]
Haha, but it because I fail, because I look forward, not backward, that I can move forward. Mistakes? haha, don't make me laugh. Mere learning experience. I know what not to do. The Americans lost most of the early Revolutionary War's battles, but they still won the war. They're looked foward. Not a single step backward comrade. Or I will shoot you myself.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My super power = something awesome/top secret ;D

haha, doesn't the King from the Planet of the Sadist look awesome? haha he my fav. character x]
anyway, sudden renewal of addiction to kanji? haha, to 800!
and so i don't forget:: =P
and i promote this blog [well not really]::
and [wow a 3rd and] umm Go 沖田総悟? haha.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Project Overbudget

Simply put,this project is gonna go over time. Why? 'Cause I got lazy and skip 4 days. Now I am paying for it with 200 cards [suspend everything and doing one day at a time]. Might have to redo about 200 cards 'cause they're no in-graven into my active memory. Stories for those 200-300 were made by other people. Might go on, but that would harm me.
NewETA: Late October, Early November.

Monday, July 27, 2009

something else

progess slowed. personalize srs cards.
read first full song title today. 夏夢 by Spontania feat. Sotte Bosse
夏夢 now. haha, i just wait till night then.
夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢 夏夢
672... also the most prevy of all my cards. :D

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 27

Got to about 650 kanji.
Added about 60 yesterday to make up for camping.
Added zero today due to addiction to SWORDS OF THE STARS.
Must somehow squeeze in 25 kanji...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Time Table

A rough but accurate predict, I would finish "Remembering the Kanji" in about 3 month at my pace.
"Remembering the Kana" should take 3 days. And other 3 for hiragana. Then about 9 month of hard-core learning/mining?
Anyhow, SRS is gonna kill me on Monday. Camping for 3 days. >_>
Got a stack of 400 waiting for me.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Mehomi Project

Yo yo, no one reads this so I chill for a while.
Anyway, got to 300 kanji in 12 days. LIKE A WINNER! -Pose-
Any music would be nice. My 100 songs playlist is gonna be cut down once I delete the junk songs. 日本語 ONLY!
Gonna go add more now. Is addicted to this like some game. Pst, some game.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Another Day On the Border Country

When I get rich, I'm gonna take a vacation to Kukizaki, Japan. And stop by the smaller towns. Never was a fan of the big industrial city. I might be Stream-punk and Cyber-punk, but that isn't my idea of a home or vacation.
Waking at 5 in the morning and sleeping at 10 in the afternoon [well 11 in reality but I'm in bed by 10, does that count? ]
Ok now a quick count; who really reads my stuff anyway? o-o


-[fanboy? whatever] scream-
Gintama esp 35 part 2. So...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Act I: Arming the Public

I enact Act I as of now. Anyone with an airsoft gun, IM/CALL/SMOKE-SIGNAL/SOMETHING me and go airsofting with me! x]
Required Equipment:
-Your own airsoft gun (recommended: electric rifle)
-Your own vest and helmet (paintball mask works here)
@spare magazine
@boots (it dusty there)
@friends! the more the merrier x]
Please spread the word, who knows? Maybe your poor (not trying to be mean now) happens to own a airsoft. You won't know till you ask ;D

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This Love, this hate, it burning me away.

If ya wondering 'bout the title, it only 'cause that the song that came up when I press post. Hollywood Undead baby!
Well, let start on Sunday.
Ah paintballing. I arrive at Andrew house at 0800 hours [that sounds cool x] ] Andrew [and Tiffany] was still sleeping, so I chill with Andrew's dad for a while. We were just looking at cars, nothing much. So around 8:30, I was told to go wake Andrew up. He was probably already awake or something. Eh, nothing special. Then Andrew dad left and I was stuck with Andrew till his uncle comes and picks us up.So we chill; talking 'bout random unimportant stuff. Yeah.
So we went to get some burgers from Burger Kings first [ate in the car]. [It was a nice car by the way, something I won't afford for some time to come =\ ] Then we stop by Eastridge Mall. Nothing special, just had to wait for uncle's friends. So we went to this offical field to get some gas first.
Ok, time to get technial with 'cause I feel like it. A basic paintball gun use gas to both fire the paintball and to prepare to fire the next round. However, unlike your stardard small arms [or gas-powered airsoft], the gas and amnontions are store in different areas. This 'cause the paintball gun to be hard to use and quite large. The weight is simply strangely balance such that the weight is near the front and the top. The amno feed interfere with the iron sights half the time. If ya lucky enough to find a gas bottle with a stock, then aim this thing would be easier. But still, the fps [feet(s) per second] is extremely weak and force you to fire while aiming above a target, much like a bow.
So after getting the the field that happens to just be across the street from my Vietnamese school, we all stock up 'cept Andrew's uncle, who went to pick up Nelson from Andrew's new house [Better then going back to Milpitas, and we never been to this 'field' before either]. So I met Thien, Korean looking Viet guy. x] So, let move onto game one.
Viet, Andrew, Nelson vs. Guy , Friend , and Thien. x]
Me, left wing. Andrew, center front. Nelson, right flank.
All of us behing cover. Nelson thought he should move and share cover with Andrew [when do you ever share cover. If the cover can fit 3 of the one person side by side, it a one person cover. More, it depends] So, they ended up being hit at the same time. Me, I was hit when the paint ball bounce (off my gun] and hit me [I found out later that it didnt count; it has to be an direct hit].
Game 2
Same squads.
Me, right flank. Andrew, left wing. Nelson, center.
Andrew gun malfunction again, and is shot. I sneak around and get my first true taste of combat. I point the gun, sight perfect fixed, and fire 3 rounds. All went around. The fps just wasn't strong enough to make the rounds straights. I was aiming at someone back. Perfect shot for an airsoft. Too far for paintball. So I lost my chance of surprise. I check my back. We surrounded the adults. Nelson to their front. Me to their right. Andrew.. gone... didn't think much of it. He probably sneaking around.
We exchanged many shots between each other. 2 down, Andrew no where to be found. Then Nelson was hit. I was alone. I held off [and so did he, we were moving around but staying in the general area] for about 15 minutes. Then game ends by defluet. Oh and my gun took a round for me. =)
Next game, I rush forward [thinking andrew got my back], and is hit in the back. Andrew was in the cover behind me. Nelson on the far left, taking sniping position among the hills. The game didn't last long. Nelson was taken out about the same time Andrew gave up. Andrew and Nelson traded guns this time, and it still doesn't work. Today just wasn't Andrew day.
Game 4, Viet vs. Andrew.
Tied, Andrew gun malfunction again, it still had amno but it won't fire any rounds. Gas was perfect. Me, I was wondering why I wasn't dead yet. I gave alot of chances. Then he just walked out. I shrugged and went out with him.
Game 5, Viet and Andrew's Uncle aka Tung vs. Guy and Friend
Game tied, stalement. Time limit over I think. Nothing much really happen, I was behing the cover near the hills most of the time. Tung was on the bottom near the trees. Guy was behind covers on the same level. Friend was in the middle of everyone almost. Closer to friend so he couldn't be shot by either one of us. Paintball explode on my gun again, damn I am lucky.
Game 6, Andrew useing my gun, Tung vs. Guy and Friend
My gun malfunciton and cannot shoot at all. Outa gas maybe? Everyone was pretty much outa gas or amno. I perfer not to shoot in burst of 5 or 7. 3 is good enough. Andrew walks out again becuase he was pissed the gun wasn't working. And Tung was snunk up on. Tung forgot to walk his right flank. Someone stole my tactics. Anyhow, I took the gun from Andrew's hands, and it fire perfect. I got two hit on the practice box. Strange eh?
Well afterward, we all went to 7-11 and then Andrew's new house [and was gonna help cept Andrew's dad didn't need help. Tung gonna live with Andrew there.]. Then we [Just me, Nelson, Andrew, and Tung] went back to Andrew's old house and just chill for a while. The time was about 2.I left for home at about 8.
Monday, 2009-06-16
Went to Justin End-of-the-year Party. Nothing much. Just pointless [and random] carnage on the two xbox.
OK! Time to talk 'bout Andy blog 'cause I feel like it.
When we're young, we wanna stay in Milpitas forever, our little heaven. But as we grow, this place grows too. And it start to feel old, much like an old toy. I won't mind moving. Then again, I have the heart and mind of a traveler. Exploring the world. Meeting new great people. Yup, everything the military say it have. If only I wasn't tied down by promises. But I deal with it. I rather gamble running a corporation then an corp. One of these days, every thing you see in your house, past though my industy. The carpet? Me. The metal spoon. Where you think the steel come from. Yup, a major underhand player.
Failed China Invasion in Heart of Iron. Sucessful occuption of all of South America as Braizl [Or as I called it, the Greater South American Confederation]

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Modern Warfare? Or Massarce Forever?

I went to Border yesterday, and saw a book that spark my brain with ideas.
So, you know, we all seen those movies with robots soldiers. Good like umm, haven't seen a good robot movie yet, or I just can't think of any. Or bad, like Terminator. It be cool to have these robot replace us in the battlefield. Soldiers that don't eat, sleep, get winded, feel fear or disobedience. The perfect soldier. War won't have such a toll on mankind anymore.
What a perfect world that be, robot fighting our wars. It seems good, till you get out of the day-dreaming stage; robotic warfare would be the next military revolution since tanks... no guns... no iron swords... it just un-equal in scope and destruction.
Robots, would make war easier to wage, so therefore there would be more wars. Moral ethics are thrown aside if not so done already.
Go check the enigneering section of border and look for a white book. Arm yourself with knowledge.
"Knowledge is power, guard it well."
And that my little gift to enpower you today. Maybe you find your super powers too someday. Till then, sleep well. And get me some sleep meds, I can't sleep for more then 2 hours anymore. Slept at midnight, woke at 4. Hadn't slept or even nap since then. I probably be dead if ya talk to me.
---five minutes after that umm, out burst---
Was playing Heart of Iron 2 again. Use mod 33 this time. Let recap for a while. In mod 34, I customize my army to my liking [inf based with a strong industy to keep pumping them out] and manage to take over China as Japan. Yes, I change history. In 1939, Japan control China and all her "warlords' lands". 1941, the majority of the pacfic islands is taken. 1942, Japan reach half though India. The Philpine and Austria are consasntly haress by Japanese fleets. Yup, I had the world in my hands. Then I got bored and delete that game.
Well, with mod 33, I can't customize my army and have to stick to the historical army [though with altertive events. Who would had thought the coup could overthrow the emperor?], I manage to take the province of Shanxi [or rather, the area under the warlord Yen Hsi-shan] by 1934. I rest and rebuild my army until 1937. Yes, 3 longs years of researching and trying to get my industry in line. Historically, I was in a depression. And my army should had already been to the historical line [*historical line, Viet's term for how far the Japanese gotten by 1945 in real life] if it wasn't for the horrible depression and all the assassination appemts on my ministers. I even had parts of Manchuria revolt against me. My own nation, revolting against the Emperor!
Yup, so that was probably all pretty boring to you unless you're a history buff or you played the game [please be the gamer one, this game is so awesome but I am the only person I know who have it =( ]
---breath, breath, tomorrow is paintball, must remenber to post something then---
So I am gonna randomly end it now. With song lyrics like how I use to alway do. Chill.

Oh my God

This town, it feels like a headache
And all the words inside my mouth won't come through.
I've got this pain in my head that I can't shake
When I remind myself I can't get to you.

And it rained all day
And I figured it out I'm not the person that I used to be
Washed away
Please someone make me okay
Because I'm feeling like I might...

Take today and make my way
Through the town, the streets, the pouring rain
'Cause some days,
It seems like the clouds won't stay away.
-Clouds by (the) Morning Light

Monday, June 8, 2009


Rather then being like Emo-drew, I thought I post some interesting things. Maybe I post depressing blogs posts later, but it ain't gonna seem right or like me. Right?
"If you could see yourself the way others see you, you would be amazed"
So onto my business today.
Every hero haves super powers, but what if he can't use them for any reason, what would he do? Well, I found my powers at a rather late age, giving me lots of times to perfect my conventional weapons skills. I taken apart a standard spring power pistol, and put it all back together. Hand drew the basic "under the table" parts. Hadn't fire any gunpowder weapons yet, but don't need to. A 600 fps rifle hurts just as much if used properly. Anyhow, me and some friends been firing electric- and gas- power airsoft guns.
Yeah, we're gonna go airsofting once I get the armor (I know a friend who would let me borrow his m4). And once [monotone] Andrew get his gun back from the shop. And maybe once my friend buys his G36. Then we have a squad of 4 [me,friend, friend2, andrew] to roam the field. I made an amazing inspiral war speech while playing a game on saturday. I forgot most of it but I type whatever I remenber here
[But Viet isn't your post long enough?]
[Haha that what she said]
(I must be real bored to talk to myself)
blah blah something interesting
This is where we sperparte the boys from the mens.
When those door opens, you will stare into hell.
The real mens will stare, but the beast, the real MARINES will run, headstrong, to hell.
soemthing soemthing word edited 'cause thoughts are easily lost and never caught
Remenber! Never count the days. Never counts the miles. Only count the number of devils you had killed.
-end end-
-random hole and gap and no link from top to this part-
Don't we all feel like this sometimes? Or is it just me and andy?

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Yo yo What sup? It me, da hero

Yo what sup people? If ya not evil and not my rivals, then keep on reading. If you are, get outa here! >:O
Well anyway, my secret identity is Viet Nguyen, your average Asian geek who alway been a bit more lucky. Well in almost everything. Found an Ipod Classic in the snow, got five bucks from the juniors in gambling, can volunteer to test a rifle fps, and loads of other crazy stuff. I just can't seem to get lucky with girls though.
But, it doesn't matter, 'cause I'm awesome, and that all that really matter in the world. Well Mr.Super Villain, if ya read this far, good luck finding Viet, AND Nguyen. There at least a thousand of us in the world. ;D